Cover Image courtesy of Harper Collins |
A fun, often politically incorrect horror comedy that starts with gut wrenching tragedy. That tragic moment sets our main character Charlie Asher, "beta male," on a course for a new and highly unexpected career as a death merchant, a reaper of souls. It’s not a choice. The role is thrust upon him, and the job manual is, at best, vague. Needless to say, his failure to reap souls on a deadline leaves the balance of life and death, light and darkness in total chaos and puts the world as we know it — or at least San Francisco, in grave danger.
In spite of the reliance on some borderline cringy stereotypes, I laughed. I laughed often. No stereotype is off limits here, except maybe Minty Fresh, who has the mouth of Samuel L. Jackson and is very keen on warning MC Asher to tow the line. This story has the soul of a Terry Pratchett Discworld tale, but set in our world. It has the energy of movies like The Mask or Men in Black. A bit silly in the end. The big bad villains have their moments, but ultimately lack the right punch in the end.
But it’s a fun ride. Asher's cobbled together family, especially his daughter Sophie who is a growing cause for concern, keeps the fun rolling. A solid 4 star horror fantasy comedy. If you’re looking for horror silly, this book is a go.