Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Book Review: The Only Good Indians

Make no mistake, this is more than a horror novel with a Native American inspired monster. There is an underlying theme in The Only Good Indians, one that shines a light on what it means to be a Native American trapped in modern America. Trapped by what the white man expects you to be and finding no way out of it, no way off the reservation except to die. Or maybe there is hope. I guess you'll have to read the book to find out.

There is plenty of gut wrenching horror here, and the characters are not always likable, except they're trying. They’re trying to be better than what they were born to be in the eyes of the rest of America. And the diehard horror fans will probably catch a too obvious hint near the end concerning which final characters live or die.

But that's okay. The deeper meaning that I got from the story is what pushed me to rate it from a four to a five. Well worth the read.

You can find out more about this book--and about Stephen Graham Jones HERE.

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