Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Woes of an Indie Author Re: Amazon Kindle

 Many apologies, if you have recently tried to find any of my titles in ebook form at Amazon and have been directed to their infamous "Oops! Sorry about that" page. It's like getting banned—for all the wrong reasons—all over again (refer to my previous blog post—and yes, I am writing this in my car. One day, I’m going to be famous and have stories to tell, like Rowling).

I haven’t been literally banned from Amazon. But there has been a disconnect in their system that has removed many titles associated with my publisher. I have been told that they are aware of it and that they are trying to fix it. How long it's going to take is the unknown.

Again, my apologies. A big chunk of my readership finds me through Amazon. But they are not the only place to find my ebooks. In fact, I get a bigger piece of the cut from sales at any of the links below. So help an indie author out and consider your purchase through these online retailers!

Also, thank you for your support!





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