Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Friends With Death by James Wright—An apocalyptic horror comedy

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Friends with Death, by James Wright is a debut horror comedy novella that follows the Grim Reaper, Death, when he finds himself out of a job as the harvestor of souls because of a zombie apocalypse. He befriends an isolated community of introverts and decides to befriend them, because he's never really had friends and he's sort of lonely. It turns out that the socially awkward introverts have similar degrees of loneliness, so this could be an interesting experiment.

It also turns out that socially awkward moments in a zombie hellscape can be quite funny when delivered in a narrative style that I, for some reason, heard in my head as being told by David Attenborough. Or Wes Anderson. maybe not as quirky as Anderson, but sometimes the inner thoughts and feelings of those characters were presented in a similar deadpan matter of fact way. I will admit, there were a few moments in the story that dragged because of it, but there were also some surpriingly funny tidbits that warranted a nod, a need to highlight some text on my kindle and to mark that text as Nice!

If you are a fan of zombie comedies like Shaun of the Dead or Zombieland, then this read might be for you. If you are a fan of Pratchett or Christopher Moore, and their depictions of Death as a character, then this read might be for you. Either way, check it out. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you find.

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